BEAST: A Mafia Romance Read online

Page 13

  I apply more lube, bending my elbow at just the right angle to go deeper. I add another finger and her hole tightens around it. Then her muscles relax, and she lets out a strangled sound, shuddering and pressing her butt against my fingers.

  "Good girl. I need to stretch you, so you'll take my dick."

  One hand reaching around to the small of her back, I slide three lubricant covered fingers inside her. She releases a broken wail as I move them gently back and forth. "Fuck..."

  "You want me to stop?"

  "God, no..."

  "Are you ready for my cock?"

  "I think so..."

  She lifts her ass up off the bed, and wetness trickles from her pussy.

  "Tell me, Kiska. Tell me you want it."

  "I want it, Gleb."

  I sit back on my haunches, between her thighs. She reaches for the lube, discarded on the sheet next to her, and passes it to me. I slather the gel on my shaft and remove my piercing. Looping my hands under her knees, I spread her legs wide. Then I shuffle my body until my cock is lined up at her hole.

  "Clutch the back of your knees and tilt your pelvis, Eva."

  Resting my weight on my elbows, I push the tip of my dick against her ass, and ease slowly in.

  She gives a sharp cry.

  The ring of muscle and walls of sensitive tissues flex and stretch. She feels like silk with a grip of steel. I grit my teeth between parted lips.

  Fucking tight and hot.

  Too goddamn tight.

  So tight it hurts like a bitch.

  The pulse in my cock beats. I swallow, blink, and force myself to breathe.

  She stares at me, a flicker of agony fluttering over her face.

  "Kiska ..." I whisper.

  She groans, air rushing from her nose, her eyes screwed shut. Suddenly, she removes her hands from her knees and clutches them to my chest.

  I bend and shush a low sound in her ear. Her face angles into my neck with a moan of pain that goes straight to my heart.

  "You alright?"

  "No. Jesus Christ." She huffs out an aching breath. "Out, I want it out."

  "Okay, okay."

  Her muscles ripple around my cock as I start to withdraw; I bite the inside of my cheek to distract myself from the sweet burning sensation.

  Fucking hell, she's still tighter than a vise and hotter than Hades.

  Her breath catches on a shaky sigh; I feel a slight relaxation in her. She unclenches her fists and presses them against my pecs.

  "Wait." Her voice is raw. "Just ... oh God, do it again."

  I swallow hard. "I didn't do anything."

  "This ... I... I don't know ... this, Gleb."

  I have no clue what she wants. I press a kiss to her brow, smoothing the hair from her face with one hand, waiting for the turmoil inside me to subside.

  She rocks her ass once more. Again, her teeth clench, air hisses, and her fists ball. But when she pushes up onto me... Oh, fuck, when she pushes her tightness onto my shaft, heat licks across my skin like flames.

  "This," she says again.

  I nod, my throat dry.

  Resting my weight on my knees, I untangle her curled fingers from my chest and weave them with my own. Pressing soft kisses to the insides of her wrists, I wait for her muscles to stretch and open completely around my cock.

  She pants against my neck, her nails digging into the skin of my hands as she makes guttural sounds, her flexible dancer's body driving me wild.

  "This," I echo, my balls tightening.

  Her mouth brushes over my cheek, searching out my mouth. Bright eyes with darkened, widened pupils meet my own. Her lips curl back with another low groan. God, she's so fucking beautiful.

  I kiss her shoulder, her neck, and whisper, "You're doing brilliantly, Kiska. I'm fucking proud of you."

  I wrap her hair around my fist and grind slowly into her. She smiles and pushes back at me, more confidently now. I reach down to rub her clit and carry on rubbing as I slam against her, thrusting in and out, making her lovely body rock.

  "Fuck," her breath hitches.

  She shakes like a leaf beneath my hands, and a long, sobbing moan escapes from deep within her. Her ass grabs at me, and the pressure is incredible. My cock is about to be incinerated.

  Sudden, wracking tremors tear through her as she sobs her release. "Oh, God, Gleb..."

  I let her breathe. Press my cheek to hers as her breathing returns to normal, my dick still sliding in and out, my balls on the verge of blowing. I judder as they go. The ripples cascade right through me; I pump my seed into her divine asshole, my shaft still twitching as I come down from my high.

  I pull out all the way, and she groans. Groans again as I lean back on my elbows. "Ya lyublyu tebya," I say it at last. The confession exits from my mouth soft and torn, almost like an admission forced from a ripped-open heart.

  Her eyes glow with unconcealed happiness. "I love you too, Gleb. I love you so much."


  Eva and Gleb


  The Beast loves me, the words are on replay in my head, almost drowning out the sound of Katy Perry's Roar playing on the music system as I twist, bend and flex through my Pilates workout. I stare at myself in the mirror lining the far wall; my cheeks are glowing and I'm grinning from ear to ear.

  Last night was incredible. After he withdrew from me, Gleb and I took a shower together. He held me so gently, as if I might break, cleaning me up and patting me dry. Never in a million years would I ever have imagined I'd enjoy anal, but I freaking loved it. Gleb filled me so deeply I'd felt euphoric. The way pleasure radiated through my entire body; it was like I was being pulled inside out. When he told me he loved me, I couldn't stop smiling. A sense of weightlessness came over me; if he hadn't been holding me I'd have floated up off the bed and hovered below the ceiling.

  I still haven't come down from the high I'm so intoxicated.

  Intoxicated with Gleb.

  Still smiling like an idiot, I launch into the dance routine I've been practicing the past several days. Except, out of the blue, the sensible voice in my head pipes up, don't let yourself get completely carried away! Before we'd fallen asleep I'd whispered to Gleb that I wanted more answers; he’d said he was tired, that it would spoil the moment, but he promised he'd try and come home early today, so we can talk.

  Again, he swore he'd tell me the truth, that there'd be no more lies, and I believe him. He made me repeat I would always stick to his rule not to go anywhere without one of his boyeviks. At least until this horrible business with Vadim is resolved, a situation now made even more complicated by Natasha.

  My insides quiver. That woman is freaking crazy, for sure. She must be, to have shown up in Colorado on the pretext of talking to me. I raise my arms in an arabesque, but my movements become less fluid as I remember the way she grabbed my hair and scratched my scalp the first time I met her. My legs suddenly feel shaky. It scares me that she knows about Kir; I wouldn't have tried to meet her yesterday if she hadn't mentioned him.

  I rub at the back of my neck to relieve the tightness in my shoulders. The sound of my baby's laughter rises from the yard and echoes through the open window. I've had enough time on my own, I decide. I'll go give Mama a hand.

  "Would you like a coffee?" Mama asks as I flop down next to her on the bench. Kir is in his toddler car again, he loves it so much, and Alik, the new boyevik is pushing him up and down the paved path that runs down the middle of the lawn.

  I watch them until Mama returns with two steaming mugs. "So," she says, "how are things with Gleb?"

  Mama has never pressed me for information about my relationship with the Beast. She's accepted that Kir and I are here for our safety. Gleb treats her kindly and I know she respects him. My head turns to face her, and I feel my cheeks color. Even though he still hasn't given me all the answers I want from him, I decide to tell Mama what's in my heart. "He said he loves me, and I told him I love him too."

  Mama's smile wo
uld light up the universe. "I'm so happy for you, my dear. I know we sold you to him, and that was wrong of us." She puts her cup down and strokes my hand. "He's the father of your son ... you and him loving each other is what's right."

  I squeeze Mama's fingers. "I'd love him even if he weren't Kir's papa," I sigh, remembering how much I hated him only a couple of months ago. "He's a beast sometimes," I whisper, "but underneath his tough exterior he's caring and..."

  I don't finish what I was about to say. My gaze rises from where Mama's hand and mine are joined. There's an empty space on the path where my baby should be.

  Where have Kir and Alik gone?

  My heart stutters, then settles down when I spot them near a gate at the far end of the yard, a gate opening onto woodland at the back of the estate.

  I narrow my eyes and squint. Shit, why is Alik unbuckling Kir from his toddler car and lifting him? In a heartbeat, I've dropped my coffee and I'm on my feet running toward them, Mama puffing out breaths alongside me. "What are you doing, Alik?"

  Balancing a screaming Kir on his hip, he draws his gun and points it at me.


  My breath catches in my throat.

  My mouth goes dry.

  My stomach freaking lurches.

  "What does it look like I'm doing?" Alik snarls. "There's someone who's offered me a lot of money for your son. More money than Mr. Sokolov pays me."

  I don't think. I don't even breathe. All I know is I need to stop the bastard from taking my baby. I bare my teeth and launch myself at him, knocking the weapon from his hand.

  The gun lands by my feet, but I don't grab it. I wrestle Kir from Alik's arms instead, biting and scratching the boyevik until he lets go. Then, holding Kir to my chest, I run. Run like the hounds of hell are snapping at my ankles. It's only when I reach the back door that I turn and stare.

  Fuck, Alik has seized hold of Mama.

  Ice replaces the blood in my veins.

  He's pointing the gun at her head.


  My cellphone rings. Dmitry. Why the hell is he calling? He never calls me... I pick up right away and listen in disbelief. After a failed attempt at kidnapping Kir, Alik has gone and fucking abducted Ludmila. He held her hostage, so he could make his getaway, and now he's fucking taken her with him.

  A sheen of cold sweat breaks out on my forehead. Jesus, fuck, I didn't see that coming. "Pass Eva on to me," I bark.

  She's crying so hard she's almost incoherent. "Please," she sobs, "Gleb, please do something."

  "God, Kiska, " I'm about to rebuke her for putting her life at risk. But now is not the time. "Is Kir alright?"

  "He's scared," she wails.

  "Listen, Elousha. You need to calm down or you'll make him even more frightened." I pause, gather my thoughts. "I love you. I'll be home asap. Pass Dmitry back to me, please."

  I tell Eva's bodyguard not to let her out of his sight. "Sorry for what happened, Boss. I was in the house with Olga," he says in a worried tone.

  He was supposed to stick to my kitten like glue. And I'll make sure he understands that as soon as I see him. A vein pulses in my neck. I disconnect the call and put through another one to Yuri to meet me in the underground garage.

  Just as I step out of my office, my cell rings again.

  Unknown number.

  What the fuck?

  "It's Natasha," the caller says. "Your boyevik Alik is here at Vadim's estate with Eva's mother. Come with your men and I'll sneak out, wait by the side entrance and let you in."

  Holy shit! Is she fucking with me? "How did you get my number?"

  "Vadim took Ludmila's phone. He carelessly left it on his desk. I snuck a peek when he wasn't looking. Your number's on there."

  "How do I know you'll do what you've promised? I mean, what proof do I have you are who you say you are?"

  "Why else would I give you access to Vadim's? You need to take him down now, Gleb. You've been pussyfooting around too long."

  Her words hit me in the chest. She's right to call me a goddamn pussy. I should have done this weeks ago. The woman is fucking dangerous, crazy even, but what choice do I have? Vadim is holding Eva's mom. The sooner I get her away from him the better.

  I crack my knuckles then phone Yuri again. "Get the whole team assembled. I want everyone armed to the fucking teeth." I tighten my fists. "Ring Dmitry and tell him we'll be back a little later than planned."

  "Yes, Boss," I hear the smile in Yuri's voice. He's been urging me to go to war with Vadim ever since Eva moved in with me.

  Kiska has made me soft.

  Too fucking soft for hers, Kir's and my own good.

  Vadim's sprawling estate is on the opposite side of town to mine. Besides Yuri, I have four other men. I know for a fact Vadim has a similar-sized cohort of henchmen; we'll be evenly matched. I updated my Will as soon as Kir came into my life; he and my kitten won't lack for money should I be killed.

  Except, if I die I won't be able to protect them...

  Cool, calm and collected on the outside, but every muscle in my body tightening in readiness, I pile into the SUV with my men. They see me as their leader; they are soldiers in the line of duty and I steel myself not to show any weakness in front of them. We approach Vadim's place about thirty minutes later.

  The Merc rolls to a halt. Stealthily, we follow the perimeter fence until we come to an entrance at the side. I can't stop my heart from thudding. Where the fuck is Natasha? I touch my hand to the gate, and it swings open.

  Before I can say or do anything, Ludmila comes running toward us, her face bright red and her hands flapping. "Are Eva and Kir alright?"

  "Perfectly fine," I stare around for Natasha. "Where is everyone?"

  "They've all gone." Ludmila's voice is hysterical. "They left about half an hour ago." She tugs at her skirt, sobbing. "They locked me out of the house. There's no one here but me."

  Jesus, fuck, Natasha is a fucking conniving bitch. I know with utmost certainty she's played me like a goddamn fiddle. Probably acting for Vadim, the low-life cunt.

  With nervous fingers I pick up my cell and call home.

  First Dmitry.

  No answer.


  Next my kitten.

  No answer there either.

  Holy fucking shit.

  I grab Ludmila's hand and pull her along with me. "Get back in the car now, everyone. I hope I'm wrong, but my guess is our place is under attack."



  Kir is in my lap, sucking on his pacifier. I smooth the dark brown hair back from his forehead; his big blue eyes stare up at me, trustingly.

  "You're safe now, sinochek, " I bend and kiss his soft cheek.

  His eyes shut, but I don't lay him down for his afternoon nap. Even though we're in his room, I need the comfort of his warm body close to me. A lone tear trickles down my face. I'm so freaking scared for my mom.

  Where has that bastard Alik taken her? And why has he taken her?

  I glance at my watch; Gleb should be home already. Where the hell is he?

  Suddenly, I hear a door slam downstairs and the intruder alarm goes off.


  Men are shouting.

  My heart almost beats out of my chest.


  I hold back a scream.

  What the fuck's going on? Where's Gleb?

  With shaking arms, I lower Kir to his bed and tiptoe across the floor. There's no time to think rationally. Gleb told me when we got back from Colorado where he keeps a spare gun; I need to retrieve it and protect my baby.

  I close the door and lock it. Keeping my back to the wall of the corridor, I make my way slowly toward Gleb's office.

  It takes forever. My feet drag, my knees knock stiffly, and I keep looking behind to check if anyone has come upstairs. Dear Lord, please don't let anything bad happen.

  More gunshots echo. I flinch, distress coursing through my veins. The alarm has been turned off. My breath bursts
in and out.

  Has Gleb arrived? Is that why the shooting has started up again?

  Panic-stricken, I run. Everything revs up to fast motion. I slide the key to Gleb's desk from where he keeps it hidden behind a painting. With trembling fingers, I unlock his drawer and grab his spare Glock. My heartrate skyrockets, and something dark and dangerous stirs within me. I will do what it takes to defend my baby.

  Out in the corridor again, I stop and listen.

  There's an ominous silence.

  I grip the gun, my knuckles white, and creep toward Kir's room.

  Before I can reach his door, I sense a presence behind me.

  A bright, white light explodes somewhere behind my eyes. Pain ricochets through my head. With a muffled cry, I crumple to the floor.

  "You were supposed to meet me," Natasha's voice slices through my rapidly-dwindling consciousness. "If we'd talked I could have averted this train-wreck."

  Don't black out, Eva.

  Through sheer force of will, I struggle against the dizziness. The Glock has fallen next to me and I reach for it.

  "Oh, no you don't," Natasha makes a grab for the weapon at the same time as me. But I'm quicker. I squeeze my hand around the muzzle and lift it, bringing it down on the side of her face with all my strength.

  She keels over; I've knocked her out. I struggle to my knees and crawl toward Kir's door. If I can get back in there and barricade myself inside it will give me time to call Gleb. I'm thinking rationally at last. It took a blow to the head to knock some sense into me; I should have phoned him from the outset.

  Except, before I can insert the key, strong arms grasp me; the sour stench of male sweat fills my nose. "Not so fast, bitch." I scuffle my feet on the carpet, attempting to resist, but I'm suddenly dizzy again.

  Pinpricks of light.

  Then blackness.

  I regain consciousness down in the kitchen, still being held in a vise-like grip. My gaze darts around the room and bile clogs my throat. Oh. My. God. Dmitry is lying in a pool of blood on the floor. Two other bodies are by the fridge, members of Gleb's security team.